Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)
Section One: Useful links for SENCOs and useful links for parents
For parents
Wiltshire Local Offer
The Local Offer provides information on the services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged between 0 to 25, and how to access them.
Parenting Group Programmes (wiltshirefamilyhubs.org.uk) (opens new window)
Being a parent can be amazing, but we all need some help, advice, and practical tips at times. Parenting courses can provide support and guidance to parents and carers if you're struggling with the behaviour of a child, would like support to address issues around parenting teenagers, or are simply seeking some hints and tips on parenting in the company of other parents and carers.
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) (opens new window)
The WPCC provides a specialist consultation and participation service that enables parents and carers to voice their opinions about the services and support that their families receive.
Wiltshire SENDIASS (opens new window)
Wiltshire SENDIASS provides a free, confidential and impartial support service to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers.
Wiltshire Single Point of Access (SPA) (opens new window)
Our Single Point of Access (SPA) is the key point of contact for children, young people, families, GPs and health and social care professionals to access advice and support from all Wiltshire Children's Community Services. It is essentially the single 'front door' for all of our services!
Jargon Buster
A comprehensive guide to acronyms used by special educational needs and disability services.
Early Years
Visit our hub page for early years education information.
Information about Portage and District Specialist Centres in Wiltshire and how they support additional needs.
For SENCos
SEND School Improvement resources (rightchoice.wiltshire.gov.uk) (opens new window)
The Inclusion Toolkit has been designed to support strategic planning of SEND Support within education settings. Many of the elements of the toolkit will support settings to develop provision by providing inclusive environments, effective teaching and accurate assessment of need to support the graduated response.
Right Choice: SSENS resource page (opens new window)
The Specialist SEN Service (SSENS) is a team of Specialist Advisory Teachers, supporting children and young people as part of Wiltshire Council's 0-25 SEND Service.
Whole School SEND (opens new window)
The Whole School SEND website, hosted by nasen, provides you with free, easy access to high quality information, resources and CPD to support a whole school approach to inclusion.
Our page on partnerships offers a range of multi-agency and educational opportunities including SENCO networks and New to SENCO groups.
Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEND Support (GRSS) (opens new window)
The Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEND Support (GRSS), available within the Right Choice: SSENS resource page (opens new window), provides structures and guidance for SENCOs, teachers and school leaders to support them in putting in place appropriate arrangements to meet their obligations in respect to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. It consists of a Pupil profile that can be completed to aid the "assess, plan, do, review" graduated approach outlined in the SEND Code of Practice and an associated Guidance section.
Documents available within Right Choice: SSENS resource page (opens new window)
- GRSS Guidance
- KS3 and 4 GRSS
HCRG Care Group: Supporting documentation (opens new window)
A list of services that require additional information, as well as the links to download the appropriate documents (where applicable) for each clinical pathway.
Right choice for your school (opens new window)
A portal for educators to access traded training opportunities and information from Wiltshire Council advisory teams.