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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)

Section Two: Cognition and learning

This includes children and young people who have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, general learning difficulties or delay, or those who have cognition and learning needs as part of another special educational need or disability. This provision should be in addition to the expectations in section one.

General expected practices

Identified barrier and/or needProvision and/or strategies: approaches, adjustments and specific interventions expected to be made by settings according to the ages

Specific learning difficulties affecting one or more specific aspect of learning, e.g. literacy difficulties, numeracy difficulties or specific language impairment. For all areas of need any provision or support should be provided in line with the needs of the CYP and is not dependant on any formal diagnosis

  • assessment through teaching to identify the areas of need in consultation with the CYP or observation if more appropriate
  • metacognition approaches - learning to learn e.g. by trying to understand the CYP's difficulty and asking them what helps
  • recognising and celebrating success in other areas of their life
  • appropriate adaptations made e.g. font, coloured paper, line spacing, lighting, overlays, adaptation, technology - led by the needs of the CYP and what they find helpful
  • staff will have been informed of what strategies or approaches to use in line with advice from assessments or consultation
  • evidence based interventions to develop skills e.g., spelling, handwriting, literacy, numeracy (Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) (opens new window) or Evidence 4 Impact (opens new window))

Generalised learning difficulties, e.g. difficulties across the curriculum but with some areas of strength.
CYP with an uneven profile of skills and attainment

  • adjustment, modification and differentiation of the curriculum, right across the board, to enable the CYP to fully access the curriculum
  • active learning, concrete, pictorial and pragmatic approaches to learning
  • emphasis on self-actualisation - activities designed to develop skills which will support them to become independent and resilient learners
  • support to manage self-esteem - celebration of strengths, reinforcement of success 
  • pre-teaching of content and subject-specific vocabulary
  • reasonable adjustments to support slow speed of processing e.g., providing, thinking time, reducing the task
  • support for homework e.g. support for accurate recording of homework, differentiated tasks as standard for all children, lunchtime drop in sessions using school online homework portals
  • close monitoring of attendance

Sources of support

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