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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Education (primary)

Information about Wiltshire based services and learning to support Primary age SEND students.

This information is aimed at children 5 to 11 years, primary school. If your child has started secondary school then you may find more relevant information at Secondary (11 to 16 years).

Are you accessing all the help available for the cost of childcare? Childcare Choices (opens new window) is a Government website that can help you see what you may be entitled to. For more information on free entitlement and the Disability Fund, visit Early years and childcare.

Primary schools, special schools and resource bases in Wiltshire

 Visit our Primary Schools page for further information about Wiltshire education settings.

Ordinarily Available Provisions for All Learners (OPAL)

Our OPAL resource is a web-based resource, with supporting development network, which defines what provision education settings should ordinarily make available for children and young people.

You can find out more by visiting: 

OPAL Homepage

For professionals providing additional support within the graduated response approach more information can be found on SEND Resources 5 to 11.

Targeted education support

These are services for children with additional needs over and above what is available to them through universal services. Often these services will be short-term and embedded into universal services.

SEN specialist support services

Young people with long-term or complex special educational needs will need specialist support. This is the kind of support provided for young people who meet the statutory threshold. These are the young people who have an Education, Health and Care plan. This type of support is completely person-centred, which means it will vary depending on an individual's needs. A separate section on EHCP explains how this works.

The following services all support learners to access the education they need. This may be by providing training to supporting professionals or parent/carers, they also cover a wide range of specialisms in equipment and holistic practices.

  • Specialist SEN Service
  • Habilitation, Independence and mobility support
  • Hearing Support Team
  • Physical and Medical Team
  • Visual Support Team
  • Behaviour Support Team
  • Educational Psychology Team

For more information visit:

SEN Specialist Support Services

Education Health and Care Plan

Most children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met in local mainstream early years settings, schools or colleges. Every educational setting in Wiltshire must provide high quality teaching that is personalised and age appropriate for all children and young people, including those with SEND.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 emphasises the need for a graduated approach to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND through early and relevant intervention.

 This means that the education setting will follow a series of 'assess, plan, do, review' cycles using their own resources. The educational setting will keep records of the support delivered, using documents such as a 'SEND Support Plan'.

If the child or young person under 25 has still not made expected progress, then a request for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment may be considered. This will help the local authority decide if it is necessary to provide support using an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

For more information about the process and how to apply visit:

EHC assessments

Further information

Special school and resource base development projects

Wiltshire Council is working with our local schools to increase the number of special school and resource base places available in Wiltshire to meet growing demand for specialist SEN school places. To read more about this topic visit SEN Place Projects.

Statutory information and guidance

To find more specific statutory information or guidance for parent/ carers or professionals supporting SEND visit our SEND resources section which is linked below:

SEND Resources 5 to 11

If you are looking for strategic information or SEND service reviews:

SEND services reviews and strategies

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