Throughout the annual review process, it is important for everyone to know when to expect different stages to happen and who should be responsible for completing different actions.
Watch a video by the Council for Disabled Children about the Annual Review Process:
Watch: The annual review process (opens new window)
The Young Person's voice in their annual review
Children/young people are central to the annual review process and everyone should make sure that their views are included as much as possible. It is important that children/young people are able to participate and contribute to the review of their education health and care plan (EHCP). This participation will vary according to the child/young person's age and needs.
The educational setting should gather the child's views about their progress and the agreed outcomes that they are working towards. The educational setting should support the child to understand what will happen at the annual review and how they can contribute and share their views both before, and where possible, during the review meeting.
There are lots of ways that children and young people can contribute their views. This could be by having a pre-meeting with someone they trust, drawing a picture, making a video clip, doing a sorting activity or using alternative means of communication.
The Council for Disabled Children have produced a Guide to help young people prepare for annual reviews (PDF, 16 MB)(opens new window)
We worked with a range of young people with an EHCP to find out how best to gain their views as part of the annual review process. This is what they told us:
Young peoples views on EHCP annual reviews
Easy to read document version Young peoples views on EHCP Annual Reviews (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window).
Co-produced Forms for Young People's views
Young people with SEND told us they want to be able to tell us their views, thoughts, and feelings, in different ways, so we asked them to help us design a new range of forms. Contact (opens new window) to request the forms. The team has a range of formats available to suit different accessibility needs.
ODT versions of the Young People's views forms, previously hosted on this page, were reporting issues when edited. We have removed them while we establish a solution and best practice approach for all documents and forms we host on Local Offer.
Young persons views EHCP annual review form can be requested in the following versions
- 1a Colour and images
- 1b Colour no images
- 1c Easy read Colour and images
- 2a Black and white plus images
- 2b Black and white no images
Gaining the views of the parent/carer
The parent/carer of the child/young person must be consulted as part of the review process and have their views, wishes and feelings taken into account. The person arranging the meeting must obtain written advice from the parent/carer. The parent/carer may need assistance with this process.
We have produced a form to gain the parent/carer views as contribution to the annual review process. This form was created with a group of parent/carers of children and young people with EHCPs within Wiltshire.
Parent carer views for EHCP Annual Review (OpenDocument text format, 43 KB)(opens new window)
Person Centred Planning
Planning must be focused on the individual and explore the child or young person's aspirations and abilities, what they want to be able to do when they leave post-16 education or training and the support they need to achieve their ambitions. Visit Council for Disabled Children: What is Person Centred Planning? (opens new window) for more information.
Preparing for adulthood (PfA)
From Year 9 onwards, the annual review meeting must consider what provision is required to assist the child or young person in preparation for adulthood and independent living. This must also include preparation for further education, work-based training, higher education and adult life.
The young person must be at the centre of this planning and the review must be driven by the young person's outcomes, ambitions and aspirations. This makes sure it is a true, person-centred transition into adulthood.
Annual reviews are an opportunity for the child or young person to discuss with their family, school or college, and the local authority what they would like to achieve as they grow up. The aim of this is for young people with SEND to be supported towards greater independence and employability.
There may be very good reasons to start planning for adulthood sooner than Year 9 and it can be very helpful for EHC plan reviews before Year 9 to have this focus too.
We have produced 'Growing up and moving on' guidance to help with this process.
Growing up and moving on
Phase transfers
All phase transfer annual reviews should be held in the summer term of the previous academic year before the year of transition.
The phase transfers are:
- early years provider to school
- infant school to junior school
- primary school to middle school
- primary school to secondary school, and
- middle school to secondary school
- year 11 or above to a new setting or provider
For the above groups of children and young people, the summer term of the previous academic year before the year of transition are as follows:
- Y2 in pre-school
- Y1 in infant school
- Y5 in primary school
- Y10 in secondary school
This allows the Local Authority to name the next setting by the statutory deadline of 15 February for school age phased transfer and 31 March for post 16 movers on, in the year of transfer.
Requesting an early review
If the educational setting, family or young person believe that a significant change requires it, an interim or Early Review can be requested. A reason for this may be concern that educational provision contained within the EHC Plan is not being delivered, or regarding the CYP's attendance and access to education. A significant change in the CYP's special education, health or care needs would be another possible reason. This request will then be considered by the local authority. Please contact your SEND Lead Worker if this is the case.