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Annual Reviews

This page tells you about the purpose of EHCP annual reviews and the process that takes place.

The purpose of the EHCP annual review

The annual review process is used to monitor children and young people's progress towards their outcomes and longer-term aspirations in their EHC Plan. This must be reviewed by the local authority at least every 12 months. In the Early Years, the review must happen every 6 months. The review must look at progress against the agreed outcomes but also consider whether they remain appropriate.

Reviews should:

  • gather and assess information from everyone involved so that it can be used to celebrate progress and support the child or young person's access to teaching and learning
  • review the special education, health and social care provision to ensure it is effective
  • consider whether changes are required including any changes to outcomes, provision, educational setting or whether the EHC plan should be discontinued
  • set new targets for the coming year and where appropriate, agree new outcomes. Outcomes are not annual targets - they look forward to the end of the key stage or beyond - but they still need to be reviewed to check they are still relevant, made more specific and measurable or if they have changed

It is also important to:

  • check that the basic information about the child or young person and family are all up to date and complete
  • give families the opportunity to request a personal budget and review any personal budget that is in place
  • plan for adulthood, particularly from age 14 onwards

The annual review must take account of the views, wishes and feelings of the child or young person and their parent/carer this must be recorded as part of the process. 

All annual review documentation now needs to be sent through to (opens new window).

What happens if all outcomes are met at an Annual Review and a plan is ceased

An EHCP can cease at any time in a child or young persons education, as part of the Annual Review process, where a child or young person has successfully met the outcomes they have been working towards. For more information visit: What happens when an EHCP Ceases

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