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Clarendon Academy resource base

Resource base provision for cognition and learning needs to open at Clarendon Academy, Trowbridge

Published 9 March 2023
Student with Teaching Assistant

Wiltshire Council are running a programme to develop secondary resource base provisions across the county.  In its first phase with the Acorn Education Trust, we're delighted to announce that, following the current consultation, a new secondary specialist resource base provision will be opening at the Clarendon Academy in Trowbridge in September 2023.

The resource base will support students with an EHCP who have cognition and learning needs. These learners require individualised intervention and will benefit from supported academic and social inclusion in a mainstream school environment.  Up to ten students will be placed in the resource base provision for Year 7, with a plan to increase these numbers and offer placements to other year groups over time.

The new base will be located within the main school building as a suite of rooms, and will have its own external entrance and exit, with easy access to the rest of the school. There will be two main classrooms and an equipped teaching space suitable for practical lessons, such as food technology.  In addition, there will be a sensory room, office space, accessible toilets, and a hygiene room. An outside landscaped area will also be created specifically for the students' use.

Specialist advisory teachers and educational psychologists from Wiltshire Council's specialist teams will be working with the base staff to develop the resource base environment, and ensure the successful transition and inclusion of the students. Therapists from health services will also support the base provision to provide tailored intervention to meet needs, where appropriate.

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