Wiltshire council wishes to support the expansion of the provision of opportunities and activities across the county for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is to support them to participate in activities that they are interested in alongside their friends and peers.
This grant is for new provision or expansion of an existing scheme.
We are inviting individuals and organisations to apply for small grants of up to £10,000 to increase the number of opportunities and activities available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities in the Wiltshire area.
This could be a new activity or club or could be an increase of something you are already doing. It must increase opportunities for children and young people, and promote greater inclusion in activities and groups, allowing them to participate alongside their friends and peers.
To read the full terms and conditions visit SEND Small Grant Scheme Details (OpenDocument text format, 103 KB)(opens new window).
What you can spend it on
This will be a one-off capital grant and is specifically provided for you to buy the things you need to start your club or activity, such as resources and materials.
You could buy equipment to start an after school or weekend sports club. You could buy computers and instruments to start a music making club. You could buy paints and tools for an arts and crafts club.
It could buy time at relevant facilities where you will hold your club and run your activity.
Who can apply
Anyone can apply. You may be:
- voluntary or community, parent led organisation.
- a charity
- co-operatives
- community interest company
- other
To access the application form, visit Small Grant Application Form (OpenDocument text format, 11 KB)(opens new window).
How to apply
You will need to complete the application form which tells us:
- what the new or expanded club or activity will be
- where the new or expanded club or activity will be
- which children and young people will benefit
- how many additional children and young people will benefit
- what you intend to spend the money on
- how you plan to keep the club or activity going when the grant has been used
- any other benefits to the wider community
- how this will promote inclusion for children and young people with SEND
Your application needs to be received no later than 7 January 2024.
To access the application form, visit Small Grant Application Form (OpenDocument text format, 11 KB)(opens new window).
You need to send your completed application form to CandF.Commissioning@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).