We would like to hear the views of as many children and young people (CYP) with SEND and/or in Alternative Provision as possible to help develop the SEND Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy (SENDIAP)

We are currently consulting with families that have children and young people with SEND and/or are in Alternative Provision, regarding the new five-year SEND Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy (SENDIAP) that will be launched in summer 2024. The strategy sets out the long-term plan of how Wiltshire Council and its partners will act on agreed priorities so children, young people and families with SEND or in alternative provision have the very best provision in Wiltshire. The strategy will be influenced by feedback from SEND families, professional partners and staff. It will be a blueprint for the next five years setting out how we will approach and achieve the highest standards here in Wiltshire.
Engagement with families is a crucial part of shaping this key document to both gather views and to have a say in finalising the strategy.
The views of parents and carers - face to face events in January
The face-to-face events will run from 10am to 1pm and will be held: Wednesday 10 January at Calne Town Hall, Tuesday 16 January at St John's Parish Centre Trowbridge and Friday 26 January at Guildhall Salisbury. These events can be booked using the links in the event calendar on our Getting involved page. The events will be interactive with round the table activities, will include tea/coffee and of course, cake.
Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for SEND said,
We want to hear from parents and carers so we can ensure our future SEND and Alternative Provision strategy truly matches what is required. These face to face events are an excellent way for parents and carers to share their view points, hear more about the future and help us map out the best way forward. Ultimately the final strategy will reflect the views of all and will be our reference point for all SEND decision making in the future.
Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said,
Engagement with key players is a crucial part of shaping this key document to both gather views and have a say in finalising the strategy. We want your ideas on how we can provide the best support and opportunities for you for now and the future. We look forward to seeing lots of people join us at these events in January.
The views of children and young people with SEND - Menti surveys
We would like to hear the views of as many children and young people (CYP) with SEND and/or in Alternative Provision as possible. we had the following feedback from the public at our initial event.
Co-production with young people not just parent carers, a distinct section.
There are two Mentimeter surveys, one for children of primary school age, and one for those of secondary school age and up.
- the surveys are fun and interactive and can be completed on a computer, tablet or phone
- they only take around 10 minutes to complete
- their answers will be anonymous and can be completed with support of an adult
The surveys are online and will be live until 31 January 2024. They can be completed by simply clicking on the relevent link: