Quarterly news and information on changes within the Local Offer website.
The Local Offer website is constantly being improved and co-constructed as a hub for community voice and information. There are still many things to work on and the site will continue to evolve with its users needs over time. If you spot anything that needs fixed, have an idea or think something is missing please get in touch at localoffer@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
You can also submit anonymous feedback online.
New pages
Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team - From October 2023 the SEND team changed the way they are contacted to reflect geographic areas of Wiltshire.
Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL) - This document has been produced in co-production with educational professionals in Wiltshire to highlight the support for additional needs all learners should expect to have access to in Wiltshire Schools.
Guide to Alternative Provision - Alternative Provision (AP) is a key element of educational support for additional needs, this has been recognised in the recent government GOV.UK: Policy paper - SEND and alternative provision improvement plan (opens new window). Our page on this topic covers information from Wiltshire Councils AP team about how this provision can be accessed and what can be expected from it.
Disabled Children's Social Work Team (CYPDT) - Find out more about the team that supports the safeguarding and social care for disabled children in Wiltshire.
Annual Reviews - Annual Reviews are a regular part of having an Education Health and Care Plan. In 2023 Wiltshire Council co-produced new guidance and paperwork to better reflect the wishes of service users and supporting workers.
Selective mutism - Guidance on what support is available in Wiltshire for selective mutism and where to find further information.
Enablement Services - Learn about the Outreach and Enablement Service (OES) and the Intensive and Enablement Service (IES).
Dynamic Support Register - The Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is a database that brings together agencies and services involved in commissioning and delivering care and support to local children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. The purpose of the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is to identify people who with appropriate, proactive intervention and support can be prevented from unnecessary or inappropriate admission to mental health or specialist hospitals.
SEND services reviews and strategies - This page contains information about the reviews of services in Wiltshire and the local strategy that governs them.
Partnerships - Wiltshire has a number of local arrangements for collaboration between institutions to support those with SEN.
Updated pages
What is Local Offer about? - We are pleased to have worked with translators to produce a series of videos about what the Local Offer is in a range of languages including British Sign Language.
Education, employment and training - Additional support services and improved information can be found throughout this page, including a video reflecting the experience of a young person at work.
0 to 5 Health - The Health pages have been revised to contain a clearer progression of support from universal services to more specialist support.
Education - The Education pages have been revised to contain a clearer progression of support from universal services to more specialist support.
Social care - Social care pages have been updated to include links to pages on a range of services like Day Opportunities, Respite and Enablement support.
You Said, We Did - Responses to feedback about the Local Offer website and the services referenced within it has been published up to the end of November 2023.